FAQ: Corgimoji Android Sticker App


Huzzah! The Android version of our Corgimoji Sticker app is now available in the Google Play store for $1.99USD. Because it was built specifically for Android, the functionality of the Android version is different from our iOS app. Make sure you read the instructions below. Please note that the screens may look different on different devices.

How to Use The Corgimoji Android App

Step 1: Download the Corgimoji app from the Google Play store, and open the app.

Makers: Q&A with Le Animalé

Laura Johnston is the designer and artist behind le animalé. Her shop features beautifully sculpted mini figurines, which she calls ‘totems.’ She also makes jewelry, and all of her work is inspired by her love for animals. Laura creates these totems in hopes to spread comfort, positive-thinking, and happiness. Her “Fat Fat” Corgi Totem and Fat Fat Corgi Pin are what first caught my eye when I discovered her on Instagram. I was immediately drawn to her work because everything is so simple and charming. This month, Laura shares stories about her work and her inspirations behind le animalé.