One of my 2017 goals for Corgi Things is to open up our blog to content creators in the community. Whether you’ve attended a corgi event and you’d like to share your experience with everyone, if you’d like to feature a rescue group that’s done a lot for corgis in need, or have some funny corgi photos to share… whatever it may be, send us a message below!
How to apply to be a guest blogger or have your post featured:
- Email connie(at)corgithings.com
- Use subject line: GUEST BLOGGER: Your Name
- Include your name, topic, and description of the type of post you’d like to write
- If your post is already written and finished, send us a DOC or PDF file with your post
We’ll review your post/idea, and get back to you as soon as possible!
I am interested in submitting a guest post about Corgis. I have begun work on an article titled “Corgis Are Magical”. The content is about how people react to a Corgi whenever they see one. I have a Corgi and I find the different ways people react to be interesting. Since I have not finished the article, I am flexible as to the size of the post.
Marie Keefe
Hi Marie! That’s an awesome idea! Please send us a message at connie(at)corgithings(dot)com and we’ll work it out 🙂