2019 Corgi Cookie Contest

It’s time to announce the winners of our 2019 Corgi Things Cookie Contest! We were so impressed with all of the entries and participants this year, so many of you really stepped up your cookie game!

Contest Details:

Using any of our Corgi Things cookie cutters, create a cookie of your own corgi and/or of your favorite Instagram corgi(s). We encourage you to be creative, you can build a “scene” for your corgi, create accessories for them, film a video, etc! Entries will be judged based on both likeness, personality, and creativity. 

2018 Corgi Cookie Contest

To celebrate the release of our new 3D printed cookie cutters, we decided to host our first-ever Corgi Things Cookie Contest on Instagram. We received some “fur”nomenal entries (seriously, we loved them all), and it was incredibly difficult for us to choose winners. We are so impressed with the creativity, especially knowing that this was the first time a lot of the participants had decorated cookies.

Become a Guest Blogger!

Credit: Odin the Corgi

One of my 2017 goals for Corgi Things is to open up our blog to content creators in the community. Whether you’ve attended a corgi event and you’d like to share your experience with everyone, if you’d like to feature a rescue group that’s done a lot for corgis in need, or have some funny corgi photos to share… whatever it may be, send us a message below!

Freebie: Obsessive Corgi Disorder Phone Wallpaper


It’s the day after Christmas, and we survived! I’d like to thank everyone for all the support for our first holiday season. As a part of that thank you, I’d like to offer everyone a little downloadable freebie.

Here’s a phone wallpaper for everyone for their lock screens! Click on the image to save to your phone:



More Corgi Things:

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FAQ: Corgimoji Android Sticker App


Huzzah! The Android version of our Corgimoji Sticker app is now available in the Google Play store for $1.99USD. Because it was built specifically for Android, the functionality of the Android version is different from our iOS app. Make sure you read the instructions below. Please note that the screens may look different on different devices.

How to Use The Corgimoji Android App

Step 1: Download the Corgimoji app from the Google Play store, and open the app.